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Abusive Language

I'm Triggered

William F. Barnes

Copyright © 2014-2025 by William F. Barnes. All rights reserved. Unauthorized retention, duplication, distribution, or modification is not permitted. [Legal]

Abusive language tends to mean using words to offend or embarass another person. I think the most triggering abuse of language is the kind that abuses language itself.

Additional contributions to the folowing came from the following gentlemen and ladies: CozyBroz, Maxaroth, psydbernz

Signature of a medieval illterate
Signature of a
medieval illterate.

Correct but Still Wrong

Certain words sound like they were coined by Chuckie Finster or another stuffy toddler.

Vanishing Literacy

It's awful to hear these words spoken.

Meaningless Platitudes

Ever say "bless you" after somebody sneezes but you didn't mean it? You do this for death, too.

Unlawful Marriage

Far too many everyday people are forgetting to press spacebar every day.


A college education is no match for math illiteracy. Allow me to mansplain:

Vest Virginia Specials

There are pockets of the U.S. that have never seen the light of day. While some regions are all-too-easy to pick on, let us turn attention to "Appalachian English":

Troll Words

If you think all words mean what they mean, you're probably an Apple user. Others sound dirty for accidental reasons.

Media Propaganda

A wise person once said "language was invented so we can lie". Let's fix a few...

Corporate Jargon

Some language is specifically meant to make you an object and your boss a saint.

Woke Language

I won't even get into the pronouns, they gave us plenty of terrible words to pick on. First on the list is the most petty, ill-adapted word, you'd never guess what it meant until a woke person educated you. Stay away from this derogatory heterophobic slur and anything under it:

The New Age

New Agers have a way of believing the most ridiculous things while stealing the most precise words to express themselves. A match made in hell. These people should be making up new terms, because the following definitions are already taken:


Nouns are becoming verbs for no reason.

Millennial Bitchisms

Sorry ladies, most of these are because of you.

Gen-Z Abbreviations

There are far too many dozens of these.

Things Men Must Never Say

I stop taking people seriously upon hearing hear any of these. Most pertain to the body or its function.

Confused Couples

Meaning and spelling perish with clutched hands. The following terms need rescuing from many of you:

Closing Remarks

The following word did absolutely nothing wrong: