domum | studium | esoterica | utilis | breve

Kent Hovind





Seminar 1: The Age of the Earth
Length: 116m.
Size: 409m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: The age of the earth: Giving scientific evidence to prove a literal six-day creation, refutes evolution's proposition that the earth evolved over billions of years. Uncovers the follies of the Big Bang theory and exposes the religious beliefs of evolution.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 2: The Garden of Eden
Length: 117m.
Size: 361m.
Date: 2007.
Location: .
Notes: The garden of Eden: Describes the earth as it was before the worldwide flood. Explains how it was possible for humans to live for over 900 years, for plants and animals to grow larger than today, and for dinosaurs to thrive along with humans.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 3: Dinosaurs in the Bible
Length: 117m.
Size: 365m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: Dinosaurs and the Bible: For many years, some believed the existence of dinosaurs discredited the Biblical account of creation. Traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and presents interviews with people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 4: Lies In The Textbooks
Length: 168m.
Size: 392m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: Lies in the textbooks: Shows how public school textbooks are permeated with fraudulent information in order to convince students that evolution is true.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 5: The Dangers of Evolution
Length: 176m.
Size: 548m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: The dangers of evolution: Reveals the terrible effects that evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of evolution-based philosophies' being used to rationalize the brutal acts of rulers, exposes evolutionary propaganda in its effort toward the "new world order."
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 6: The Hovind Theory
Length: 107m.
Size: 986m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: The dangers of evolution: Reveals the terrible effects that evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of evolution-based philosophies' being used to rationalize the brutal acts of rulers, exposes evolutionary propaganda in its effort toward the "new world order."
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 7ab: Questions and Answers
Length: 149m.
Size: 478m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: Questions and answers: Covers a variety of topics including radiometric dating and the speed of light in relation to star distance. In addition to "primitive humanity" and race origins, discusses the mark of the beast and supposed contradictions in the Bible.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]

Seminar 7c: Questions and Answers
Length: 179m.
Size: 295m.
Date: .
Location: .
Notes: Questions and answers: Covers a variety of topics including radiometric dating and the speed of light in relation to star distance. In addition to "primitive humanity" and race origins, discusses the mark of the beast and supposed contradictions in the Bible.
Resource: [Video]
Resource: [Link]